Reptilia - Rhynchocephalia - Sphenodontidae
Parent taxon: Sphenodontidae according to J. A. Herrera-Flores et al. 2018
See also Apesteguia et al. 2012, ApesteguĂa and Novas 2003, Benton 1985, Cau et al. 2014, Frank and Ramus 1996, Hay 1902, Hay 1930, Jaekel 1910, Rauhut et al. 2012, Reynoso 2000, Worthy 1997 and Worthy and Grant-Mackie 2003
Sister taxa: Ankylosphenodon, Brachyrhinodontinae, Cynosphenodon, Derasmosaurus, Eilenosaurus, Elachistosuchus, Glevosaurus, Leptosaurus, Oenosaurus, Opisthodontia, Paleollanosaurus, Piocormus, Scharschengia, Sigmala, Simila, Sphenodontinae, Sphenovipera, Theretairus, Zapatadon
Subtaxa: Sphenodon guentheri Sphenodon punctata
Type: Sphenodon punctatus
• Quaternary of New Zealand (13 collections)
• Miocene of New Zealand (2)
Total: 15 collections including 16 occurrences
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