Also known as Chesapeake and Delaware Canal
Where: Delaware (39.6° N, 75.7° W)
• Paleocoordinates: 40.3° N, 36.4° W (Wright 2013)
• coordinate based on nearby landmark
• outcrop-level geographic resolution
When: Marshalltown Formation (Matawan Group), Late/Upper Campanian (83.5 - 70.6 Ma)
• potentially includes specimens from the Merchantville and Englishtown formations
• formation-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: estuary or bay; green, argillaceous, silty sandstone
Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils
Collection methods: salvage,
• collected from dredging spoil piles
Primary reference: E. M. Lauginiger. 1984. An Upper Campanian vertebrate fauna from the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware. The Mosasaur 2:141-149 [J. Alroy/M. Sommers]more details
Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis
PaleoDB collection 27570: authorized by John Alroy, entered by John Alroy on 11.12.2002, edited by Matthew Carrano
Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)
Taxonomic list
Reptilia | |
cf. Clidastes sp. Cope 1868 mosasaur
cf. Globidens sp. Gilmore 1912 mosasaur | |
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"Ornithomimus antiquus" = Coelosaurus antiquus3
"Ornithomimus antiquus" = Coelosaurus antiquus3 Leidy 1865 ornithomimosaur NJSM 12503, pedal phalanx
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Actinopteri | |
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Stephanodus sp. Zittel 1883 | |
Enchodus sp. Agassiz 1835
Enchodus ferox Leidy 1855 | |
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cf. Paralbula sp. Blake 1940
Paralbula casei Estes 1969 | |
Anomoeodus phaseolus Hay 1899 | |
cf. Lepisosteus sp. Agassiz 1843 gar | |
Chondrichthyes | |
Lonchidion babulskii Cappetta and Case 1975 elasmobranch | |
Hybodus sp. Agassiz 1834 elasmobranch | |
Pseudohypolophus sp. Cappetta and Case 1975 guitarfish | |
Rhinobatos casieri Herman 1977 guitarfish | |
Sclerorhynchus sp. Woodward 1889 ray
Ischyrhiza cf. avonicola Estes 1964 ray
Ischyrhiza mira Leidy 1856 ray | |
Ptychotrygon vermiculata Cappetta 1975 ray | |
Rhombodus levis Cappetta and Case 1975 stingray | |
Brachyrhizodus wichitaensis Romer 1942 eagle ray | |
"Ginglymostoma globidens" = Plicatoscyllium globidens
"Ginglymostoma globidens" = Plicatoscyllium globidens Cappetta and Case 1975 nurse shark | |
"Plicatolamna borodini" = Protolamna borodini
"Plicatolamna borodini" = Protolamna borodini Cappetta and Case 1975 mackerel shark | |
Pseudocorax granti Cappetta and Case 1975 mackerel shark | |
Paranomotodon angustidens Reuss 1845 thresher shark | |
Scapanorhynchus texanus Roemer 1852 goblin shark | |
"Hypotodus aculeatus" = Odontaspis aculeatus
"Hypotodus aculeatus" = Odontaspis aculeatus Cappetta and Case 1975 sand tiger shark | |
"Odontaspis samhammeri" = Carcharias samhammeri, "Odontaspis holmdelensis" = Carcharias holmdelensis
"Odontaspis samhammeri" = Carcharias samhammeri Cappetta and Case 1975 sand shark
"Odontaspis holmdelensis" = Carcharias holmdelensis Cappetta and Case 1975 sand shark | |
"Plicatolamna arcuata" = Archaeolamna kopingensis
"Plicatolamna arcuata" = Archaeolamna kopingensis Davis 1890 mackerel shark | |
Squalicorax pristodontus Agassiz 1835 crow shark
Squalicorax kaupi Agassiz 1843 crow shark | |
Squatina hassei Leriche 1929 angel shark | |
Ischyodus bifurcatus Case 1978 plownose chimaera | |
Bivalvia | |
Trigonia sp. Bruguière 1789 clam | |
Cardium sp. Linnaeus 1758 cockle | |
Exogyra ponderosa Roemer 1852 oyster | |
"Ostrea falcata" = Agerostrea falcata
"Ostrea falcata" = Agerostrea falcata Morton 1827 oyster | |
Cucullaea sp. Lamarck 1801 clam |