Where: Guizhou, China (26.3° N, 106.7° E: paleocoordinates 13.3° N, 95.1° E)
• coordinate estimated from map
• small collection-level geographic resolution
When: Leidapo Member (Qingyan Formation), Pelsonian to Pelsonian (247.2 - 242.0 Ma)
• Basal upper Anisian. Schreyerites binodosus and Paraceratites trinodosus zones. Yuqing subformation
• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: open shallow subtidal; lithified, calcareous claystone and lithified marl
Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils
Preservation: original calcite
Collection methods: bulk, mechanical, peel or thin section,
• All abundance data given as "statistical individuals"
•Bivalves, brachiopods: Double-valved shells + higher number of single shells (right or left)
•Echinoderms, vertebrates: one indivudual if number of parts more than parts in living animal. crinoids > 150 columnalia = 1 individual,
•Others: all fragments as one
Primary reference: F. Stiller. 2001. Fossilvergesellschaftungen, Paläoökologie und paläosynökologische Entwicklung im Oberen Anisium (Mittlere Trias) von Qingyan, insbesondere Bangtoupo, Provinz Guizhou, Südwestchina. Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie 92:1-523 [W. Kiessling/W. Kiessling/W. Kiessling]more details
Purpose of describing collection: paleoecologic analysis
PaleoDB collection 31627: authorized by Wolfgang Kiessling, entered by Wolfgang Kiessling on 20.05.2003, edited by Marcus Apel and Sabine Nürnberg
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
unclassified | |
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Rhodophyceae | |
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Anthozoa | |
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Crinoidea | |
Balanocrinus sp. n. sp.
| |
Encrinus cf. liliiformis Lamarck 1801 Sea lily | |
Bangtoupocrinus kokeni Stiller 2000 Sea lily | |
Qingyanocrinus kueichounensis Dubatolova and Shao 1959 Sea lily | |
Echinoidea | |
"Cidaris" bangtoupoensis pencil urchin
"Cidaris" lineola pencil urchin | |
Rhynchonellata | |
Costirhynchopsis xingyiensis Yang and Xu 1966 | |
Septaliphorioidea paucicostata Yang and Xu 1966 | |
Diholkorhynchia sinensis Koken 1910 | |
Angustothyris angustaeformis Boekh 1872 | |
"Adygella elongata" = Coenothyris elongata
"Adygella elongata" = Coenothyris elongata Yang and Xu 1966 | |
"Cyrtina" indet. Davidson 1858 | |
Neocyrtina mixodeltidiumosa Yang and Xu 1966
Thecocyrtelloidea tubulosa Yang and Xu 1966 | |
Paralepismatina semiconica Yang and Xu 1966 | |
Mentzelia mentzeli Dunker 1851
Mentzelia subspherica Yang and Xu 1966
"Hirsutella multicostata" = Dagyssia multicostata Yang and Xu 1966 | |
Nudispiriferina minima Yang and Xu 1966
Qingyenia spinosa Yang and Xu 1966 | |
Lepismatina hsui Wang 1955 | |
Schwagerispira fuchsi Koken 1900 | |
Gastropoda | |
Pachyomphalus sp. n. sp.
| |
Triassocirrus guizhouensis Yin and Yochelson 1983 snail | |
Neritaria sp. n. sp.
| |
Naticopsis (Naticopsis) signata Koken 1900 snail | |
Coelostylina liscaviensis, Trypanostylus cf. turritelliformis, Trypanostylus konincki, "Toxoconcha brocchii" = Toxoconcha brocchi
Coelostylina liscaviensis Giebel 1856 snail
Trypanostylus konincki Münster 1841 snail
"Toxoconcha brocchii" = Toxoconcha brocchi Stoppani 1857 snail | |
Cheilotomona pentagonum Yu et al. 1974 snail | |
Trochidae indet. n. gen. n. sp.
| |
Eucycloscala sp. n. sp., Eucycloscala obliquicostata, "Riselloidea sp. n. sp." = Calliotropis (Riselloidea)
Eucycloscala obliquicostata Yin and Yochelson 1983 snail | |
Wortheniella conica snail
Wortheniella nuda snail | |
Scaphopoda | |
Laevidentalium bangtoupoensis tusk shell | |
Cephalopoda | |
Schreyerites binodosus Hauer 1850 ceratite | |
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Bivalvia | |
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Elegantinia elegans Dunker 1849 clam | |
Schafhaeutlia astartiformis Münster 1841 clam | |
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Elegantarca subareata Chen 1976 clam | |
"Posidonia cf. wengensis" = Bositra wengensis
"Posidonia cf. wengensis" = Bositra wengensis Wissmann 1841 oyster | |
Cassianella qingyanensis oyster
Cassianella simplex Chen 1976 oyster | |
Gervillia (Cultriopsis) angulata Münster 1841 oyster | |
Arcavicula (Arcavicula) guizhouensis pearl oyster
Pteria caudata pearl oyster
Pteria rugosa Chen 1976 pearl oyster | |
Ostreoidea indet. n. gen. n. sp.
| |
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Placunopsis subplana scallop | |
Leptochondria plana scallop
Leptochondria albertii Goldfuss 1838 scallop | |
Mysidioptera (Mysidioptera) punctata, Palaeolima dunkeri, Palaeolima cf. dunkeri, Palaeolima subcostata, Plagiostoma sp.
Mysidioptera (Mysidioptera) punctata Chen 1976 file clam
Palaeolima dunkeri file clam
Palaeolima cf. dunkeri file clam
Palaeolima subcostata file clam | |
Protostrea sinensis Hsu 1943 scallop | |
Terquemiidae indet. n. gen. n. sp., Newaagia sessilis
Newaagia sessilis scallop | |
Praechlamys schroeteri scallop
Praechlamys stenodictya scallop
Pleuronectites difformis Chen 1976 scallop | |
"Botulopsis cf. cassiana" = Botulopsis reisi, Modiolus (Modiolus) salzstettensis
"Botulopsis cf. cassiana" = Botulopsis reisi Waller 2005 mussel
Modiolus (Modiolus) salzstettensis Hohenstein 1913 mussel | |
Sedentaria | |