Kansai, FKA-7a (Cretaceous of Tajikistan)

Also known as Kansay

Where: Sogd, Tajikistan (40.5° N, 69.7° E: paleocoordinates 34.9° N, 63.9° E)

• coordinate stated in text

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: Yalovach Formation, Early/Lower Santonian (85.8 - 83.5 Ma)

• upper part of the Yalovach Formation

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: fluvial-deltaic; lithology not reported

• deltaic deposits of a large river that flowed into the Fergana Gulf of the Tethys
• "red beds"

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Collected by A. K. Rozhdestvensky in 1963–1967; reposited in the PIN

Collection methods: quarrying, surface (float), surface (in situ),

Primary reference: A. K. Rozhdestvensky and L. I. Khozatsky. 1967. [Late Mesozoic terrestrial vertebrates from the Asiatic part of the USSR]. In G. G. Martinson (ed.), [Stratigraphy and Paleontology of the Mesozoic and Paleogene-Neogene continental deposits of the Asiatic part of the USSR] 82-92 [M. Carrano/M. Carrano]more details

Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis

PaleoDB collection 58701: authorized by Matthew Carrano, entered by Kaitlin Maguire on 21.02.2006, edited by Matthew Carrano, Richard Butler, Philip Mannion, Roger Benson, Jonathan Tennant and Emma Dunne

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Salientia - Pelobatidae
Eopelobates sp.10 Parker 1929 spadefoot toad
 Caudata - Urodela
Eoscapherpeton "sp. b"10 Nessov 1981 hellbender
Eoscapherpeton superum n. sp.12 Nessov 1997 hellbender
including holotype (232/12177)
 Tribosphenida - Zalambdalestidae
? Kulbeckia kulbecke2 Nessov 1993 eutherian
CCMGE 9/12455 and CCMGE 73/12455 (M1)
 Loricata -
Crocodyliformes indet.6 crocodilian
dorsal vertebra PIN 3041/11 (orig. ID as Kansaignathus)
 Loricata - Paralligatoridae
Kansajsuchus extensus n. gen. n. sp.13
Kansajsuchus extensus n. gen. n. sp.13 Efimov 1975 crocodilian
PIN 2399/301 - holotype (right premaxilla)
 Crocodylia - Crocodylidae
Tadzhikosuchus macrodentis n. gen. n. sp.9 Efimov 1982 crocodile
PIN 2399/457 - holotype (left dentary)
 Theropoda - Therizinosauridae
Therizinosauridae indet.1 Maleev 1954 coelurosaur
ungual phalanx
 Theropoda - Ornithomimidae
Ornithomimidae indet.11 Marsh 1890 ornithomimid
 Theropoda - Tyrannosauridae
Tyrannosauridae indet.1 Osborn 1906 tyrannosaurid
 Theropoda -
cf. Alectrosaurus sp.11 Gilmore 1933 coelurosaur
 Theropoda - Troodontidae
Troodontidae indet.1 Gilmore 1924 maniraptoran
ZIN PH 1/66-8/66, 13/60
 Theropoda - Dromaeosauridae
Dromaeosauridae indet.11 Colbert and Russell 1969 maniraptoran
Kansaignathus sogdianus n. gen. n. sp.5 Averianov and Lopatin 2021 maniraptoran
Holotype. PIN, no. 2398/15, a right dentary; PIN 2398/16, anterior sacrum fragment. PIN 2398/1, posterior sacrum fragment. PIN 2398/4 and 2398/17, right manual ungual phalanges, possible from the first and second digit. PIN 2398/18, juvenile right manual ungual. PIN 2398/19, left metatarsal III distal fragment
 Theropoda - Oviraptoridae
? Oviraptoridae indet.1 Barsbold 1976 maniraptoran
 Theropoda -
Coeluroidea indet.1 Nopcsa 1928 theropod
 Ornithischia -
? Neoceratopsia indet.1 Sereno 1986 ceratopsian
 Ornithischia - Hadrosauridae
Hadrosauridae indet. Cope 1869 hadrosaurid
PIN 2398/6, 7-8, 11, 13-14, 16; 3041/17, 22-26, 29-32, 35, 39-42, 44, 46-47
Hadrosaurinae indet.4 Lambe 1918 hadrosaurine
 Ornithischia - Hypsilophodontidae
 Ornithischia - Ankylosauridae
Ankylosauridae indet.11 Brown 1908 ankylosaurid
 Saurischia -
Titanosauria indet.7 Bonaparte and Coria 1993 sauropod
teeth, ZIN PH 17/66, 18/66, 16/66
 Pterosauria - Azhdarchidae
Azhdarchidae indet.3 Nessov 1984 pterosaur
ZIN PH 10/43, fragment of wing phalanx
? Azhdarcho sp.3 Nessov 1981 pterosaur
ZIN PH 50/43, humerus, possibly not from this locality
 Squamata -
Squamata indet.10 squamates
cf. Teiidae
 Testudines - Macrobaenidae
Anatolemys maximus15 Khozatskii and Nessov 1979 turtle
 Testudines - Lindholmemydidae
Lindholmemys gravis15 Nessov and Khozatsky 1980 turtle
 Testudines - Adocidae
Adocus foveatus n. sp.8 Nesov and Khozarskii 1977 turtle
Includes the holotype: ZIN PHT F64-11, left peripheral 4, plus: ZIN PH 590/64, costal 5; ZIN PH 591/64, costals 7+8; ZIN PH 593/64, undetermined costal fragment; ZIN PH 592/64, epiplastron; ZIN PH 594/64, entoplastron; ZIN PH 582–588/84, undetermined shell fragments
Shachemys baibolatica8 Kuznetsov 1976 turtle
 Testudines - Trionychidae
Trionychidae indet., "Trionyx riabinini" = Trionyx riabinini14, "Aspideretoides riabinini" = Trionyx riabinini15, Trionyx kansaiensis n. sp.14
Trionychidae indet. softshell turtle
"Trionyx riabinini" = Trionyx riabinini14 Kuznetsov and Chkhikvadze 1987 softshell turtle
ZIN PH 939/64, posterior half of carapace; ZIN PH 901/64, a posterior carapace fragment, consisting of neurals 6 and 7 and right costals 6 and 7; IZK R- 3927, ZIN PH 603/64, ZIN PH 604/64, ZIN PH 628/64, and ZIN PH 633/64, partial nuchals; ZIN PH 820/64 and ZIN PH 822/64, costals 1; ZIN PH 901/64 and ZIN PH 930/64, costals 5; ZIN PH 899/64, costal 6; ZIN PH 903/64, costal 7; ZIN PH 864/64, costal 8; ZIN PH 860/64, costals 7 and 8; ZIN PH 664/64, epiplastron; ZIN PH 680/64, ZIN PH 755/64, ZIN PH 764/64, and ZIN PH 852/64, partial hyoplastra; ZIN PH 716/64, hypoplastron; ZIN PH 675/64, xiphiplastron
"Aspideretoides riabinini" = Trionyx riabinini15 Kuznetsov and Chkhikvadze 1987 softshell turtle
Trionyx kansaiensis n. sp.14 Vitek and Danilov 2010 softshell turtle
ZIN PH 630/64 - type (a partial nuchal); referred material: ZIN PH 630/64, partial nuchal; ZIN PH 629/64, partial nuchal; ZIN PH 934/64, neural 1, ZIN PH 824/64, costal 1; ZIN PH 658/64, neural 5; ZIN PH 642/64, neural 8; ZIN PH 643/64, hexagonal neural; ZIN PH 655/64, hexagonal neural; ZIN PH 871/64, partial costals 6–8; ZIN PH 781/64, costal 3; ZIN PH 917/64, partial costal; ZIN PH 882/64, costal 8; ZIN PH 862/64, costal 8; ZIN PH 824/64, hyoplastron; ZIN PH 775/64, hyoplastron; ZIN PH 726/64, hypoplastron; ZIN PH 705/64, hypoplastron