Amphibia - Salientia - Pelobatidae
Parent taxon: Pelobatidae according to A. C. Henrici 2009
See also Böhme 2008, Böhme 2010, Borsuk-Bialynicka 1978, Carroll 1988, Estes and Berberian 1970, Estes and Sanchíz 1982, Gardner 2008, Henrici 1994, Henrici and Haynes 2006, Nessov 1988, Sanchiz 1998 and Zweifel 1956
Sister taxa: Elkobatrachus, Enigmatosaurus, Leptobrachium, Macropelobates, Miopelobates, Pelobates, Pelobatinae, Scaphiopus, Spea, Uldzinia
Subtaxa: Eopelobates anthracinus Eopelobates bayeri Eopelobates grandis Eopelobates hiuschei Eopelobates wagneri
Ecology: amphibious carnivore
• Pliocene of Hungary (3 collections), Poland (1)
• Miocene of Germany (4), the Russian Federation (1), Slovakia (1), Turkey (1), Ukraine (1)
• Oligocene of Belgium (2), Germany (3), Turkey (1)
• Eocene of France (4), Germany (1), India (2), the United Kingdom (1), United States (6: California, South Dakota)
• Cretaceous of Tajikistan (1), United States (7: Montana, New Mexico, Wyoming)
Total: 40 collections including 42 occurrences
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