Celtencrinurus multisegmentatus Portlock 1843

Trilobita - Phacopida - Encrinuridae

Alternative combination: Calymene multisegmentatus

Belongs to Celtencrinurus according to W. R. Evitt and R. P. Tripp 1977

See also Owen 1981, Owen and Heath 1989, Portlock 1843, Tripp 1957 and Warburg 1925

Sister taxon: Celtencrinurus praecursor

Type specimen: GSM 35416, a pygidium. Its type locality is Desertcreat, which is in a Pusgillian/Cautleyan offshore mudstone in the Killey Bridge Formation of the United Kingdom.

Distribution: there are no occurrences of Celtencrinurus multisegmentatus in the database

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