Order Phanerozonida Sladen 1889 (sea star)
Alternative spelling: Phanerozonia
Full reference: W. P. Sladen. 1889. The Asteroidea. Report of the Scientific Results of the Voyage of the H.M.S. Challenger 1873-1876, Zoology 30:1-935
Parent taxon: Asteroidea according to W. K. Spencer 1951
See also Owen 1965, Schuchert 1915, Sladen 1889 and Withers and Keble 1934
Sister taxa: Ambuloasteroidea, Arthrasteridae, Cryptozonia, Euasteroidea, Euaxosida, Hadrosida, Hemizonida, Hunsrueckaster, Kermasida, Lepidasterella, Neopalaeasteridae, Petrasteridae, Phanerozoma, Platyasterida, Pleuraster, Proactis, Protarthraster, Pustulosida, Schuchertiidae, Silicaster, Spinulosacea, Trichotaster, Yarravaster
Subtaxa: Lepidasteracea Palasterinacea
Ecology: slow-moving low-level epifaunal carnivore