Strophomenata - Strophomenida - Leptestiidae
Parent taxon: Plectambonitoidea according to M. Liljeroth et al. 2017
See also Cocks 2005, Cocks 2010, Congreve et al. 2015, Hints and Harper 2015, Jin and Chatterton 1997, Mitchell 1977, Musteikis and Cocks 2004, Neuman and Bruton 1974, Paškevičius and Hints 2016, Rubel 2011 and Williams et al. 2000
Sister taxa: Aegiromenidae, Allwynellidae, Alwynellidae, Bimuriidae, Christianiidae, Grorudiidae, Hesperomenidae, Leptellinidae, Paucicostella, Plectambonitidae, Sowerbyellidae, Strophodontidae, Syndielasmatidae, Taffiidae, Tafflidae, Xenambonitidae, Anoptambonitidae
Subtaxa: Bekella Bilobia Isophragmatinae Isopiiragmatinae Leangella Leptestia Leptestiina Rurambonites Sampo Sortanella
Type: Leptestia
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Jaani of Estonia (7 collections), Lithuania (7)
• Niagaran of Canada (1: Québec)
• Silurian of Argentina (6), Australia (4), Canada (19: New Brunswick, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Ontario, Quebec, Québec), the Czech Republic (1), Estonia (28), Kazakhstan (8), Lithuania (31), Mongolia (1), Norway (45), Sweden (5), Thailand (1), Ukraine (1), the United Kingdom (134), United States (27: Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Wisconsin)
• Dobrotivian of France (1)
• Uhaku of Latvia (1), the Russian Federation (2)
• Ordovician to Silurian of Norway (1)
• Ordovician of Belarus (2), Belgium (11), Canada (12: British Columbia, Quebec), China (15), the Czech Republic (3), Estonia (27), France (3), Ireland (11), Italy (3), Kazakhstan (17), Latvia (11), Lithuania (31), Norway (34), Portugal (2), the Russian Federation (5), Spain (5), Sweden (19), Turkey (1), the United Kingdom (69), United States (17: Alaska, Maine, Nevada, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia)
Total: 629 collections including 674 occurrences