Strophomenata - Strophomenida - Leptellinidae
Parent taxon: Plectambonitoidea according to M. Liljeroth et al. 2017
See also Bassett and Cocks 1974, Cocks 2010, Jakobsen et al. 2014, Jin and Chatterton 1997, Mitchell 1977, Popov et al. 2000, Temple 1987, Williams et al. 2000, Zhan and Jin 2005 and Zhan et al. 2008
Sister taxa: Aegiromenidae, Allwynellidae, Alwynellidae, Bimuriidae, Christianiidae, Grorudiidae, Hesperomenidae, Leptestiidae, Paucicostella, Plectambonitidae, Sowerbyellidae, Strophodontidae, Syndielasmatidae, Taffiidae, Tafflidae, Xenambonitidae, Anoptambonitidae
Subtaxa: Anchoramena Leptellininae Leptelloidinae Leptestiininae Palaeostrophomeninae Tesikella
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Silurian of Canada (8: British Columbia, Northwest Territories collections), China (10), United States (2: Iowa)
• Dobrotivian of the Czech Republic (4)
• Uhaku of Estonia (1), Norway (1), the Russian Federation (2), Sweden (3)
• Chazyan of United States (6: Alabama, Tennessee)
• Whiterockian of United States (16: Nevada)
• Volkhov of the Russian Federation (1)
• Dawan of China (1)
• Arenig of Argentina (1), China (7)
• Ordovician of Argentina (5), Australia (33), Canada (1: British Columbia), China (36), Estonia (4), Iran (5), Ireland (4), Kazakhstan (77), Kyrgyzstan (2), Latvia (1), Lithuania (2), Mongolia (1), Myanmar (14), Norway (6), the Russian Federation (25), Sweden (6), the United Kingdom (36), United States (36: Alaska, California, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia), Venezuela (1), Vietnam (1)
• Ibexian of United States (1: Nevada)
Total: 360 collections including 464 occurrences