Protozoa - Nassellaria - Hsuidae
Alternative combination: Semihsuum rutogense
Belongs to Hsuum according to L. O'Dogherty et al. 2006
Sister taxa: Hsuum acutum, Hsuum altile, Hsuum amabile, Hsuum arabicum, Hsuum arenaense, Hsuum belliatulum, Hsuum brevicostatum, Hsuum cuestaense, Hsuum feliformis, Hsuum gratum, Hsuum lucidum, Hsuum lupheri, Hsuum matsuokai, Hsuum maxwelli, Hsuum mclaughlini, Hsuum medium, Hsuum mirabundum, Hsuum modicum, Hsuum mulleri, Hsuum optimum, Hsuum parasolense, Hsuum parvulum, Hsuum plectocostatum, Hsuum robustum, Hsuum rosebudense, Hsuum tamanense
Ecology: passively mobile planktonic omnivore
• Jurassic of Switzerland (1 collection), United States (1: California)
Total: 2 collections including 3 occurrences
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