Hsuum lucidum Yeh 1987 (radiolarian)

Protozoa - Nassellaria - Hsuidae

Original description: Test conical, lobate, pointed apically, usually with six to seven post-abdominal chambers. Cephail small, conical, without rudimentary horn. Cephalis and thorax covered with layer of microgranular silica. Abdomen and post-abdominal chambers rapidly increasing in width, gradually increasing in length as added. Post-abdominal chambers with inner layer of massive tetragonal pore frames with small circular pores: outer layer of mesh work with short, moderately massive costae. Costae mostly occurring on joints of chambers.

Original remarks: Hsuum() lucidum n. sp differs from H. parasolensi Pessagno and Whalen by lacking a horn on cephalis, and by having a more conical test with less massive costae.

Etymology: Lucidus-a-um (Latin, adj.) bright.

Alternative combination: Transhsuum lucidum

Synonym: Hsuum validum Yeh 1987 [objective synonym]

Full reference: K. Y. Yeh. 1987. Taxonomic Studies of Lower Jurassic Radiolaria from East-Central Oregon. National Museum of Natural Science Special Publications 2:1-169

Belongs to Hsuum according to Matsuoka 2004

See also Gorican et al. 2006, Gorican et al. 2003 and Yeh 1987

Sister taxa: Hsuum acutum, Hsuum altile, Hsuum amabile, Hsuum arabicum, Hsuum arenaense, Hsuum belliatulum, Hsuum brevicostatum, Hsuum cuestaense, Hsuum feliformis, Hsuum gratum, Hsuum lupheri, Hsuum matsuokai, Hsuum maxwelli, Hsuum mclaughlini, Hsuum medium, Hsuum mirabundum, Hsuum modicum, Hsuum mulleri, Hsuum optimum, Hsuum parasolense, Hsuum parvulum, Hsuum plectocostatum, Hsuum robustum, Hsuum rosebudense, Hsuum rutogense, Hsuum tamanense

Type specimens:

  • Hsuum lucidum: NMNS (000085). Its type locality is Suplee-Izee area, OR-600A, which is in a Toarcian marine tuff/limestone in the Hyde Formation of Oregon.
  • Hsuum validum: NMNS (000093). Its type locality is Suplee-Izee area, OR-600A, which is in a Toarcian marine tuff/limestone in the Hyde Formation of Oregon.

Ecology: passively mobile planktonic omnivore


• Jurassic of Canada (13: British Columbia collections), Greece (1), Japan (1), Slovenia (5), United States (6: Oregon)

Total: 26 collections including 28 occurrences

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