†Leptosaurus Fitzinger 1837 (rhynchocephalian)
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Reptilia - Rhynchocephalia - Sphenodontidae
Parent taxon: Sphenodontidae according to S. Renesto and G. Viohl 1997
See also Cocude-Michel 1963 and McDowell and Bogert 1954
Sister taxa: Ankylosphenodon, Brachyrhinodontinae, Cynosphenodon, Derasmosaurus, Eilenosaurus, Elachistosuchus, Glevosaurus, Oenosaurus, Opisthodontia, Paleollanosaurus, Piocormus, Scharschengia, Sigmala, Simila, Sphenodon, Sphenodontinae, Sphenovipera, Theretairus, Zapatadon
Subtaxa: Leptosaurus neptunius Leptosaurus pulchellus
• Jurassic of France (2 collections), Germany (4)
Total: 6 collections each including a single occurrence
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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