†family Strophonellidae Caster 1939 (lamp shell)

Strophomenata - Strophomenida - Strophonellidae

Parent taxon: Strophomenoidea according to C. R. Congreve et al. 2015

See also Musteikis and Cocks 2004 and Williams et al. 2000

Sister taxa: Amphistrophiidae, Dicoelostrophiidae, Douvillinidae, Douvinella, Eopholidostrophiidae, Foliomenidae, Furcitellidae, Glyptomenidae, Idioglyptus, Leptaenoideidae, Leptodontellidae, Leptostrophiidae, Playfairia, Rafinesquinidae, Rhenostrophia, Shaleriidae, Strophomenidae, Strophomenidea, Syntrophodonta

Subtaxa: Chronostrophonella Eostrophonella Strophonella

View classification

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Devonian of Australia (5 collections), Canada (9: Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Quebec, Yukon), Colombia (1), the Czech Republic (5), Kazakhstan (2), Turkey (1), Ukraine (2), United States (55: Iowa, Maryland, Nevada, New York, Oklahoma, Tennessee, West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania)

• Jaani of Estonia (1), Lithuania (2)

• Niagaran of Canada (2: Québec), United States (1: Indiana)

• Silurian to Devonian of United States (1: Oklahoma)

• Silurian of Australia (3), Belarus (3), Canada (20: New Brunswick, Northwest Territories, Ontario, Quebec, Québec), China (1), the Czech Republic (11), Estonia (1), Kazakhstan (1), Latvia (1), Lithuania (3), Mexico (9), Mongolia (1), Norway (1), the Russian Federation (2), Sweden (5), Ukraine (2), the United Kingdom (36), United States (53: Alaska, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Missouri, Nevada, New York, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah), Venezuela (1)

• Ordovician of Canada (8: Manitoba, Quebec), China (1), Mongolia (2), the United Kingdom (1)

Total: 253 collections including 273 occurrences

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