Chonetinella unisulcata Zhang 1976 (lamp shell)

Strophomenata - Strophomenida - Rugosochonetidae

Full reference: S. X. Zhang. 1976. Taxonomic names, in Late Paleozoic brachiopods from the Mount Jolmo Lungma region. A Report of the Scientific Expedition in the Mount Jolmo Lungma Region (1966-1968) 2:159-271

Belongs to Chonetinella according to S.-Z. Shen et al. 2003

See also Zhang 1976

Sister taxa: Chonetinella ainimi, Chonetinella baomoshanensis, Chonetinella biplicata, Chonetinella ciboloensis, Chonetinella crassiparva, Chonetinella flemingi, Chonetinella gerontica, Chonetinella gibberulus, Chonetinella granti, Chonetinella intercalata, Chonetinella iwakiensis, Chonetinella krotovi, Chonetinella lengwuensis, Chonetinella makovi, Chonetinella noenygaardi, Chonetinella parva, Chonetinella shanaensis, Chonetinella sinuata, Chonetinella spinolirata, Chonetinella taimyrensis, Chonetinella transversa, Chonetinella uralica, Chonetinella verneuilana, Chonetinella volitanliopsis

Type specimen: IGAS 00985. Its type locality is Qubu Section JSPf22, Tingri County, which is in a Changhsingian marine horizon in the Qubuerga Formation of China.

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Permian of China (4 collections)

Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence

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