Strophomenata - Strophomenida - Rugosochonetidae
Full reference: L. Lee and Y. Z. Su. 1980. Taxonomic names, Carboniferous and Permian Brachiopoda. Paleontological Atlas of Northeast China 1:327-429
Belongs to Chonetinella according to L. Lee and Y. Z. Su 1980
Sister taxa: Chonetinella ainimi, Chonetinella baomoshanensis, Chonetinella biplicata, Chonetinella ciboloensis, Chonetinella crassiparva, Chonetinella flemingi, Chonetinella gerontica, Chonetinella gibberulus, Chonetinella granti, Chonetinella intercalata, Chonetinella iwakiensis, Chonetinella krotovi, Chonetinella lengwuensis, Chonetinella makovi, Chonetinella noenygaardi, Chonetinella parva, Chonetinella sinuata, Chonetinella spinolirata, Chonetinella taimyrensis, Chonetinella transversa, Chonetinella unisulcata, Chonetinella uralica, Chonetinella verneuilana, Chonetinella volitanliopsis
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
Distribution: there are no occurrences of Chonetinella shanaensis in the database
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