Chonetinella verneuilana Norwood and Pratten 1855 (lamp shell)

Strophomenata - Strophomenida - Rugosochonetidae

Alternative combinations: Chonetes verneuilanus, Chonetes verneulianus

Full reference: J. G. Norwood and H. Pratten. 1855. Notice of the Genus Chonetes, as Found in the Western States and Territories, with Descriptions of Eleven New Species. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia 3:23-32

Belongs to Chonetinella according to M. T. Sturgeon and R. D. Hoare 1968

See also Mark 1912 and Norwood and Pratten 1855

Sister taxa: Chonetinella ainimi, Chonetinella baomoshanensis, Chonetinella biplicata, Chonetinella ciboloensis, Chonetinella crassiparva, Chonetinella flemingi, Chonetinella gerontica, Chonetinella gibberulus, Chonetinella granti, Chonetinella intercalata, Chonetinella iwakiensis, Chonetinella krotovi, Chonetinella lengwuensis, Chonetinella makovi, Chonetinella noenygaardi, Chonetinella parva, Chonetinella shanaensis, Chonetinella sinuata, Chonetinella spinolirata, Chonetinella taimyrensis, Chonetinella transversa, Chonetinella unisulcata, Chonetinella uralica, Chonetinella volitanliopsis

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Carboniferous of United States (8: Ohio, Pennsylvania collections)

Total: 8 collections each including a single occurrence

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