†Titanohyrax ultimus Matsumoto 1922 (hyrax)
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Mammalia - Hyracoidea - Titanohyracidae
Belongs to Titanohyrax according to D. T. Rasmussen and E. L. Simons 1988
See also Court and Hartenberger 1992, Matsumoto 1926, Rasmussen and GutiƩrrez 2010 and Rasmussen and Simons 2000
Sister taxa: Titanohyrax andrewsi, Titanohyrax angustidens, Titanohyrax mongereaui, Titanohyrax palaeotherioides, Titanohyrax schlosseri, Titanohyrax tantulus
Type specimen: BMNH M12057, a set of teeth (four heavily worn, isolated teeth)
Ecology: scansorial herbivore
Distribution: found only at NNW of Birket Qarun (Oligocene of Egypt)
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