Pterobranchia - Graptoloidea - Diplograptidae
Synonym: Orthograptidae Mitchell 1987
Parent taxon: Diplograptina according to J. Maletz 2014
See also Bulman 1970, Kiessling 2008, Mitchell 1987, Mitchell et al. 2007 and Storch et al. 2011
Sister taxa: Climacograptoidea, Dicaulograptidae, Dicranograptidae, Dicranograptoidea, Lasiograptidae, Peiragraptidae
Subtaxa: Amplexograptus Anticostia Cephalograptus Corynoides Diplograptinae Diplograptus Levisograptus Orthograptinae Parareteograptus Peiragraptinae Rectograptus
Type: Diplograptus
Ecology: passively mobile planktonic suspension feeder
• Silurian of Argentina (1 collection), Canada (2: New Brunswick, Yukon), China (7), Denmark (4), Morocco (3), Paraguay (1), the Russian Federation (3), Saudi Arabia (1), Serbia and Montenegro (2), Thailand (1), the United Kingdom (6), United States (14: Alaska, New York)
• Dobrotivian of the Czech Republic (2), Portugal (5), Spain (3)
• Uhaku of Lithuania (1), the Russian Federation (1)
• Whiterockian of Canada (3: Newfoundland and Labrador)
• Chazyan of Canada (1: Northwest Territories)
• Volkhov of Latvia (1), Lithuania (3)
• Arenig of China (5)
• Arenigian of United States (1: Alaska)
• Ningkuo of China (6)
• Ordovician to Silurian of United States (2: Alaska)
• Ordovician of Argentina (12), Australia (2), Belgium (2), Bolivia (1), Canada (80: New Brunswick, Northwest Territories, Northwest Territories and Yukon, Northwest Terrorities, Nunavut, Ontario, Quebec, Québec, Yukon), China (137), the Czech Republic (10), Estonia (1), Kazakhstan (7), Latvia (1), Lithuania (1), Malaysia (2), New Zealand (23), North Korea (1), Norway (8), Peru (1), the Russian Federation (22), South Korea (1), Spain (6), Sweden (18), the United Kingdom (7), United States (131: Alaska, Idaho, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia), Venezuela (1), Vietnam (1)
• Tremadoc of China (1)
Total: 556 collections including 956 occurrences