Jeletzkytes Riccardi 1983 (ammonite)

Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Scaphitidae

Alternative spelling: Jeletzkyites

Synonym: Karlwaageites Cooper 1994

Parent taxon: Scaphitinae according to N. H. Landman and W. A. Cobban 2003

See also Kennedy and Cobban 1993, Kennedy and Cobban 1994, Kennedy et al. 1997, Landman and Waage 1993, Monks 2000 and Sepkoski 2002

Sister taxa: Acanthoscaphites, Billcobbanoceras, Desmoscaphites, Discoscaphites, Eoscaphites, Haresiceras, Indoscaphites, Ponteixites, Pteroscaphites, Rhaeboceras, Scaphites, Trachyscaphites

Subtaxa: Jeletzkytes compressus Jeletzkytes crassus Jeletzkytes criptonodosus Jeletzkytes dorfi Jeletzkytes furnivali Jeletzkytes nebrascensis Jeletzkytes spedeni

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Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore


• Cretaceous of Canada (10: Saskatchewan collections), Germany (2), United States (79: Colorado, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, South Dakota, Wyoming)

Total: 91 collections each including a single occurrence

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