Bivalvia - Nuculida - Cardiolariidae
Synonym: Praeleda Pfab 1934
Full reference: A. Fuchs. 1919. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Devonfauna der Verse- und Hobräcker Schichten des sauerlandischen Faciesgebietes. Jahrbuch des Preussischen Geologisches Landesanstalt 29(1):58-95
Parent taxon: Cardiolariidae according to J. C. W. Cope 1997
See also Cox et al. 1969, Harrison and Harrison 1975, Sepkoski 2002 and Vokes 1980
Sister taxa: Cardiolaria, Inaequidens
Subtaxa: Deceptrix banksi Deceptrix carinata Deceptrix scofieldi Praeleda compar Praeleda multidentata
Ecology: facultatively mobile infaunal deposit feeder
• Devonian of Argentina (1 collection), Australia (2)
• Silurian of Argentina (3), United States (1: Ohio)
• Dobrotivian of the Czech Republic (1), France (2), Portugal (3), Spain (3)
• Letna of the Czech Republic (1)
• Whiterockian of United States (1: Minnesota)
• Ordovician of Australia (3), Canada (1: Ontario), China (2), the Czech Republic (8), France (1), Ireland (1), Norway (2), Poland (1), Portugal (1), Spain (2), the United Kingdom (7), United States (50: Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Kentucky, Minnesota, Minnesota, Illinois, Iowa, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Tennessee)
Total: 97 collections including 115 occurrences
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