Parahsuum edenshawi Carter 1988 (radiolarian)

Protozoa - Nassellaria - Hsuidae

Alternative combination: Drulanta edenshawi

Belongs to Parahsuum according to L. O'Dogherty and H. J. Gawlick 2008

Sister taxa: Parahsuum carpathicum, Parahsuum formosum, Parahsuum hiconocosta, Parahsuum izeense, Parahsuum longiconicum, Parahsuum mostleri, Parahsuum officerense, Parahsuum ovale, Parahsuum primitivum, Parahsuum publicum, Parahsuum simplum, Parahsuum vizcainoense, Fantus schoolhousensis, Fantus exiguus, Drulanta bella, Drulanta pulchra, Lupherium snowshoense, Lupherium nitidum

Type specimen: Its type locality is GSC loc. C-080577, Maude Island, which is in a Pliensbachian open shallow subtidal sandstone in the Fannin Formation of Canada.

Ecology: passively mobile planktonic omnivore


• Jurassic of Austria (1 collection), Canada (35: British Columbia), Greece (1), Japan (1)

Total: 38 collections including 39 occurrences

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