Protozoa - Nassellaria - Hsuidae
Alternative combinations: Broctus izeensis, Canutus izeensis
Full reference: E. A. Pessagno, Jr. and P.A. Whalen. 1982. Lower and Middle Jurassic Radiolaria (multicyrtid Nassellariina) from California, east-central Oregon and the Queen Charlotte Islands, B.C. Micropaleontology 28(2):111-169
Belongs to Parahsuum according to S. Gorican et al. 2006
See also Pujana 1996 and Yeh 1987
Sister taxa: Parahsuum carpathicum, Parahsuum edenshawi, Parahsuum formosum, Parahsuum hiconocosta, Parahsuum longiconicum, Parahsuum mostleri, Parahsuum officerense, Parahsuum ovale, Parahsuum primitivum, Parahsuum publicum, Parahsuum simplum, Parahsuum vizcainoense, Fantus schoolhousensis, Fantus exiguus, Drulanta pulchra, Drulanta bella, Lupherium nitidum, Lupherium snowshoense
Type specimen: USNM 307224
Ecology: passively mobile planktonic omnivore
• Jurassic of Argentina (1 collection), Canada (15: British Columbia), Japan (1), Oman (1), the Russian Federation (1), Slovenia (3), Spain (5), United States (4: California, Oregon)
Total: 31 collections including 32 occurrences
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