Bivalvia - Pectinida - Limidae
Alternative spelling: Limaea
Parent taxon: Limidae according to A. G. Beu et al. 1990
See also Lamprell and Whitehead 1992, Maxwell 1992, Moore 1987, Olsson 1922, Robinson and Lee 2011, Ros-Franch et al. 2014, Sepkoski 2002, Stilwell 1998, Todd 2001, Vokes 1980 and Wienrich 1999
Sister taxa: Acesta, Anomolima, Antarctolima, Antiquilima, Aviculolima, Badiotella, Callolima, Costellacesta, Ctenoides, Ctenostreon, Ctenostreoninae, Dimorphoconcha, Divarilima, Echinorbis, Elimata, Escalima, Gemellima, Latemaria, Lima, Limaria, Limatula, Limatuletta, Limatulinae, Liminae, Mantellina, Meotolima, Mysidioptera, Mysidiopterinae, Neoinoceramus, Notolimea, Palaeolima, Plagiostoma, Plagiostominae, Platilimaria, Plicacesta, Pseudoctenostreon, Pseudolimea, Pseudolucina, Roncania, Serania, Seymourtula
Subtaxa: Limaea solida Limea (Eolimea) Limea (Isolimea) Limea (Limea) Limea acuticostata Limea alticosta Limea delanouei Limea margineplicata Limea nux Limea strigilata Limea strigillata Limea tenuisculptata Limea transenna
Type: Limea strigilata
Ecology: facultatively mobile epifaunal suspension feeder
• Quaternary of Greece (1 collection), Panama (1), United States (1: Florida)
• Pliocene of Australia (1), Costa Rica (1), Italy (1), Jamaica (3)
• Miocene to Pliocene of Australia (1)
• Miocene of Australia (1), Belgium (3), France (1), Germany (8), Italy (1), Morocco (2), the Netherlands (1), Slovakia (1), Spain (1)
• Oligocene of Denmark (2), New Zealand (1)
• Eocene of Egypt (1), New Zealand (5)
• Paleocene of Australia (3), United States (1: California)
• Cretaceous of Bolivia (1), France (3), Germany (2), Kazakhstan (1), Poland (4), the Russian Federation (1)
• Jurassic of Belgium (1), Chile (1), Ethiopia (1), France (5), Germany (2), Greenland (15), Hungary (1), Madagascar (1), Portugal (2), Somalia (1), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (4), Turkey (5), the United Kingdom (48)
• Triassic of Hungary (3), Italy (3), Papua New Guinea (1), the Russian Federation (1), Spain (3), United States (5: Nevada)
Total: 157 collections including 159 occurrences
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