Carentonosaurus mineaui Rage and Néraudeau 2004 (squamates)

Reptilia - Squamata - Aigialosauridae

Full reference: J.-C. Rage and D. Néraudeau. 2004. A new pachyostotic squamate from the Cenomanian of France. Palaeontology 47(5):1195-1210

Belongs to Carentonosaurus according to Rage and Neraudeau 2004

Sister taxa: Carentonosaurus algorensis, Carentonosaurus soaresi

Type specimen: MNHN IMD 21, a set of vertebrae (Middle of posterior dorsal vertebra). Its type locality is Ile Madame, which is in a Cenomanian carbonate marl in the B3/C1 Formation of France.



• Cretaceous of France (4 collections), Spain (1)

Total: 5 collections each including a single occurrence

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