Carentonosaurus algorensis Cabezuelo-Hernández and Pérez-García 2023 (squamates)

Reptilia - Squamata - Aigialosauridae

Full reference: A. Cabezuelo-Hernández and A. Pérez-García. 2023. A New Species of the Pythonomorph Carentonosaurus from the Cenomanian of Algora (Guadalajara, Central Spain) †. Animals 2023(13):1197

Belongs to Carentonosaurus according to A. Cabezuelo-Hernández and A. Pérez-García 2023

Sister taxa: Carentonosaurus mineaui, Carentonosaurus soaresi

Type specimen: ALG 200, a set of vertebrae. Its type locality is Algora fossil site, which is in a Cretaceous terrestrial siliciclastic in the Arenas de Utrillas Formation of Spain.


Distribution: found only at Algora fossil site

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