Tapirus (Megatapirus) augustus Matthew and Granger 1923 (tapir)

Mammalia - Perissodactyla - Tapiridae

Full reference: W.D. Matthew and W.T. Granger. 1923. New fossil mammals from the Pliocene of Sze-chuan, China. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 48(17):564-598

Belongs to Tapirus (Megatapirus) according to R. C. Hulbert 2010

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: AMNH 18433, a skull (skull and jaws). Its type locality is Yen-ching-kao, which is in a Pleistocene/Pleistocene terrestrial horizon in China.

Ecology: amphibious browser


• Quaternary of China (11 collections), Laos (1), Vietnam (1)

Total: 13 collections each including a single occurrence

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