†family Palaeomanteidae Handlirsch 1906

Insecta - Miomoptera - Palaeomanteidae

Alternative spelling: Palaeomantidae

Synonyms: Archisialidae Martynov 1932, Delopteridae Sellards 1909, Palaeomantiscidae Rasnitsyn 1977

Full reference: A. Handlirsch. 1906. Die Fossilen Insekten und die Phylogenie der Rezenten Formen, parts I-IV. Ein Handbuch fur Palaontologen und Zoologen 1-640

Parent taxon: Miomoptera according to J. Prokop et al. 2017

See also Beckemeyer 2004, Carpenter 1933, Carpenter 1992, Handlirsch 1906, Handlirsch 1919, Kukalová 1963, Martynov 1927, Martynov 1928, Martynov 1930, Martynov 1932, Martynov 1940, Prokop et al. 2015, Rasnitsyn 1977, Rasnitsyn 2004, Rasnitsyn and Aristov 2013, Storozhenko and Novokshonov 1999, Zhuzhgova 2002 and Zimmerman 1962

Sister taxon: Miomina

Subtaxa: Archisialis Belmomantis Delopsocus Delopteriella Delopterinus Delopterum Elmomantis Mazonopsocus Miomatoneura Miomatoneurella Miomatoneurites Neodelopterum Palaeomantina Palaeomantis Permodelopterum Permonia Permonikia Perunopterum Saaromioptera Sellardsiopsis Stefanomiopterinae Stigmodelopterum Tridelopterum Urba Urba punctata

View classification

Type: Palaeomantis


• Permian of Australia (1 collection), the Czech Republic (3), France (1), the Russian Federation (17), South Africa (1), United States (12: Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma)

• Carboniferous of Germany (1), United States (1: Illinois)

Total: 37 collections including 109 occurrences

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