Miomatoneurella Martynova 1958 (winged insect)

Insecta - Miomoptera - Palaeomanteidae

Full reference: O. M. Martynova. 1958. Novye nasekomye iz Permskikh i Mezozoiskikh otlozhenii SSSR. Materialy po Osnovam Paleontologii 2:69-94

Parent taxon: Palaeomanteidae according to A. P. Rasnitsyn and D. S. Aristov 2013

See also Kukalová 1963, Martynova 1958, Martynova 1961 and Rasnitsyn 2004

Sister taxa: Archisialis, Belmomantis, Delopsocus, Delopteriella, Delopterinus, Delopterum, Elmomantis, Mazonopsocus, Miomatoneura, Miomatoneurites, Neodelopterum, Palaeomantina, Palaeomantis, Permodelopterum, Permonia, Permonikia, Perunopterum, Saaromioptera, Sellardsiopsis, Stefanomiopterinae, Stigmodelopterum, Tridelopterum, Urba, Urba punctata

Subtaxa: Miomatoneurella americana Miomatoneurella boskovicensis Miomatoneurella reducta Miomatoneurella rossoshana

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Type: Miomatoneurella reducta



• Permian of the Czech Republic (1 collection), the Russian Federation (2), United States (1: New Mexico)

Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence

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