Trilobita - Ptychopariida - Shumardiidae
Parent taxon: Shumardiidae according to O. A. Hoel 1999
See also Fortey and Droser 1999, Harrington and Leanza 1957, Jell and Adrain 2002, Robison and Pantoja-Alor 1968 and Sepkoski 2002
Sister taxa: Acanthopleurella, Changchowilla, Conophrys, Koldinioidia, Kweichowilla, Leioshumardia, Leoforteyia, Liriamnica, Shumardoella, Shumardops, Tarimella
Subtaxa: Shumardia (Conophrys) Shumardia (Shumardia) Shumardia acuticaudata Shumardia alata Shumardia ctenata Shumardia erquensis Shumardia exopthalmus Shumardia extensa Shumardia granulosa Shumardia lacrimosa Shumardia matchensis Shumardia minaretta Shumardia phalloides Shumardia sagittula Shumardia tarimuensis
Type: Shumardia granulosa
Ecology: fast-moving low-level epifaunal carnivore
• Whiterockian of Canada (5: Newfoundland and Labrador collections), Norway (2), United States (1: Nevada)
• Chazyan of Canada (1: Newfoundland and Labrador)
• Arenigian of Canada (1: Northwest Territories), China (1)
• Arenig of Argentina (1), Bolivia (1), Canada (1: Newfoundland and Labrador), China (3), Norway (3), the Russian Federation (1), Sweden (3), the United Kingdom (2)
• Ordovician of Argentina (1), Australia (6), Canada (2: Alberta, Northwest Territories), China (27), Iran (1), Ireland (1), Italy (3), Kazakhstan (2), Norway (7), the Russian Federation (1), Sweden (2), the United Kingdom (7), United States (11: California, Nevada, New York, Utah)
• Cressagian of the United Kingdom (3)
• Tremadoc of Argentina (10), Bolivia (4), China (16), France (1), Iran (1), Mexico (7), Norway (1), Spain (2), Sweden (2), the United Kingdom (1)
• Ibexian of United States (1: Nevada)
• Skullrockian of Argentina (1)
• Cambrian to Ordovician of Canada (1: Quebec)
• Cambrian of Argentina (2), China (1), the United Kingdom (6)
Total: 157 collections including 158 occurrences
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