Actinopteri - Spariformes - Sparidae
Alternative spelling: Sparoidei
Parent taxon: Spariformes according to R. Betancur et al. 2013
See also Bannikov 2014, Carnevale et al. 2014, Casier 1966, Cicimurri et al. 2022, Danil'chenko 1980, David 1943, Day 2002, Fierstine et al. 2012, Gaemers 1984, Jordan 1963, Mors et al. 2000, Nolf and Dockery 1993, Purdy et al. 2001, Schwarzhans 2003, Schwarzhans and Bratischko 2011, Szabo et al. 2017 and Weems 1999
Sister taxa: Callanthiidae, Centracanthidae, Lethrinidae, Nemipteridae
Subtaxa: Abromasta Denticinae Dentinae Diplodus Ellaserrata Plectrites Pseudosparnodus Rythmias Sargus Sciaenurus Sparidarum Sparnodus
Ecology: nektonic omnivore
• Quaternary of Australia (1 collection), Greece (5), Italy (1), Spain (1)
• Pliocene of Greece (2), Morocco (1), United States (1: Florida)
• Neogene of Indonesia (3)
• Miocene of Algeria (4), Argentina (4), Austria (1), Colombia (1), Costa Rica (2), the Czech Republic (3), France (5), Germany (2), Greece (5), Hungary (1), Indonesia (1), Italy (3), Japan (1), New Zealand (5), Panama (1), Poland (1), Portugal (2), Saudi Arabia (1), Slovakia (1), South Africa (1), Spain (3), Sri Lanka (2), Turkey (1), United States (4: California)
• Oligocene to Miocene of New Zealand (1)
• Oligocene of Belgium (1), France (1), Germany (2), Hungary (2), New Zealand (1), Oman (2), United States (3: Louisiana, South Carolina)
• Eocene of Antarctica (2), Belgium (1), Germany (1), Italy (1), Libya (1), Namibia (1), the United Kingdom (6), United States (2: Louisiana, Virginia)
• Paleocene of Denmark (2), Greenland (1), Ukraine (1), United States (1: Alabama)
• Cretaceous of Argentina (1), Brazil (1), France (6)
Total: 111 collections including 136 occurrences