Synonym: Microhyus Teilhard de Chardin 1927 [replaced name]
Parent taxon: Perissodactyla according to L. N. Cooper et al. 2014
See also Carroll 1988, Hooker and Russell 2012, Sudre and Russell 1982, Tabuce et al. 2006 and Zack et al. 2005
Sister taxa: Anthracobunidae, Brontotheriidae, Cambaytheriidae, Cambaytherium, Chelodactyla, Desmostylia, Equina, Equoidea, Ghazijhippus, Hallensia, Hippopotamus iravaticus, Hyracotheriidae, Lophodontomorpha, Mesaxonia, Mesolambdolophus, Nakusia, Paschatherium, Perissobune, Rhinocerotida, Selenida, Skopaiolophus, Solidungula, Stereopterna, Tapiromorpha, Titanotheriomorpha
Subtaxa: Teilhardimys brisswalteri Teilhardimys musculus Teilhardimys reisi
Ecology: ground dwelling browser-grazer
• Eocene of Belgium (1 collection), France (1), Portugal (1), the United Kingdom (4)
• Paleocene of France (5), Spain (2)
Total: 14 collections including 18 occurrences
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