Parent taxon: Perissodactyla according to L. N. Cooper et al. 2014
See also Bajpai et al. 2006, Froehlich 2002 and Hooker 1994
Sister taxa: Anthracobunidae, Brontotheriidae, Cambaytheriidae, Cambaytherium, Chelodactyla, Desmostylia, Equina, Equoidea, Ghazijhippus, Hippopotamus iravaticus, Hyracotheriidae, Lophodontomorpha, Mesaxonia, Mesolambdolophus, Nakusia, Paschatherium, Perissobune, Rhinocerotida, Selenida, Skopaiolophus, Solidungula, Stereopterna, Tapiromorpha, Teilhardimys, Titanotheriomorpha, Triplopidae
Subtaxa: Hallensia louisi Hallensia matthesi
Type: Hallensia matthesi
Ecology: ground dwelling browser-grazer
• Eocene of Belgium (2 collections), France (4)
Total: 6 collections each including a single occurrence
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