†family Sturianthaceae Doweld 2001

Cycadeoideopsida - Cycadeoideales - Sturianthaceae

Valid replacement name for illegitimate family name Sturiellaceae Nemejc (Palaeobotanika 3: 275-276. 1968), based on the illegitimate later homonym Sturiella R. Kräusel (in Senckenbergiana 29: 148. 15 Dec 1948) non Sturiella C. E. Weiss ex H. Potonié (Lehrb. Pflanzenpalaentol. 100. Feb 1897, fossil Marattiopsida).

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Full reference: A. B. Doweld. 2001. Prosyllabus Tracheophytorum. Tentamen Systematis Plantarum Vascularium.

Parent taxon: Cycadeoideales according to A. B. Doweld 2001

Sister taxa: Bucklandia, Conites, Pseudocycadeoidea, Yabeiella

Subtaxa: none

Distribution: there are no occurrences of Sturianthaceae in the database

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