†order Acrotretida Kuhn 1949 (lamp shell)
Synonym: Neotremata Beecher 1891 [replaced name]
Parent taxon: Lingulata according to C. B. Skovsted et al. 2017
See also Bengtson 1992, Brunton and Champion 1974, Bruton and Harper 2000, Cocks 2019, Hansen and Holmer 2011, Hoare 1961, Holmer 1986, Holmer 1989, Holmer and Popov 1990, Martin 1904, Mitchell 1977, Popov 2000, Puura and Holmer 1993, Sepkoski 2002 and Williams et al. 2000
Sister taxa: Discinida, Lingulida, Siphonotretida, Trimerellida
Subtaxa: Acrotretidina Acrotretoidea Biernatidae Eleutherocrania Ferralstreta Maruia Orbiculopora Pseudometoptoma
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder