Conotreta Walcott 1889 (lamp shell)

Lingulata - Acrotretida - Acrotretidae

Parent taxon: Acrotretidae according to J. Hansen and L. E. Holmer 2011

See also Holmer 1986, Holmer 1989, Popov 2000, Popov et al. 2002, Sepkoski 2002 and Williams et al. 2000

Sister taxa: Acrotreta, Acrotretinae, Amictocracens, Anabolotreta, Anelotreta, Angulotreta, Aphelotreta, Apsotreta, Araktina, Biernatinae, Brachaktassia, Canthylotreta, Cyrtonotreta, Dactylotreta, Dicondylotreta, Ditreta, Eohadrotreta, Eurytreta, Fascicoma, Genetreta, Hisingerella, Homotreta, Iberotreta, Kostjubella, Kotylotreta, Kuangshanotreta, Lensotreta, Linnarssonella, Linnarssonia, Linnarssoniinae, Longipegma, Neotreta, Olentotreta, Opisthotreta, Ottenbyella, Physotreta, Picnotreta, Prototreta, Quadrisonia, Rhondellina, Satpakella, Scaphelasmatinae, Semitreta, Spondylotreta, Stilpnotreta, Tapuritreta, Torynelasmatinae, Treptotreta, Vandalotreta

Subtaxa: Conotreta andina Conotreta apicalis Conotreta chernovi Conotreta conoidea Conotreta convexa Conotreta cuspidata Conotreta davidsoni Conotreta lepton Conotreta mica Conotreta millardensis Conotreta orbicularis Conotreta plana Conotreta rusti Conotreta siljanensis

View classification

Type: Conotreta rusti

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Uhaku of Sweden (6 collections)

• Chazyan of United States (1: Alabama)

• Fennian of France (1)

• Volkhov of Estonia (1)

• Arenig of France (1)

• Ordovician of Argentina (3), Australia (4), Canada (1: Quebec), China (2), the Czech Republic (2), Estonia (1), France (2), Ireland (1), Kazakhstan (1), Norway (5), the Russian Federation (1), Sweden (26), the United Kingdom (7), United States (11: Iowa, Nevada, New York, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia)

• Tremadoc of China (1), the Czech Republic (3), Norway (1)

Total: 82 collections including 90 occurrences

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