Lingulata - Acrotretida - Acrotretidae
Parent taxon: Acrotretidae according to A. Williams et al. 2000
See also Puura and Holmer 1993 and Sepkoski 2002
Sister taxa: Acrotreta, Acrotretinae, Amictocracens, Anabolotreta, Anelotreta, Angulotreta, Aphelotreta, Apsotreta, Araktina, Biernatinae, Brachaktassia, Canthylotreta, Conotreta, Cyrtonotreta, Dactylotreta, Dicondylotreta, Ditreta, Eohadrotreta, Eurytreta, Fascicoma, Genetreta, Hisingerella, Homotreta, Iberotreta, Kostjubella, Kotylotreta, Kuangshanotreta, Lensotreta, Linnarssonella, Linnarssonia, Linnarssoniinae, Longipegma, Neotreta, Olentotreta, Opisthotreta, Ottenbyella, Physotreta, Picnotreta, Prototreta, Quadrisonia, Rhondellina, Satpakella, Scaphelasmatinae, Semitreta, Spondylotreta, Tapuritreta, Torynelasmatinae, Treptotreta, Vandalotreta
Subtaxa: Stilpnotreta magna Stilpnotreta minuta Stilpnotreta tecta
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Ordovician of Sweden (1 collection)
• Amgan of Kazakhstan (4)
• Cambrian of Australia (7), Canada (4: Alberta), France (1), Kazakhstan (12), New Zealand (1)
Total: 30 collections including 31 occurrences
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