Family Exocoetidae (ray-finned fish)
Actinopteri - Beloniformes - Exocoetidae
Parent taxon: Exocoetoidei according to R. Betancur et al. 2013
See also Bannikov 2014, Carnevale et al. 2014, Jordan 1963 and Nelson et al. 2016
Sister taxa: Belonidae, Hemiramphidae, Scomberesocidae, Zenarchopteridae
Subtaxa: Clupea evolans Halocypselus Rhamphexocoetus
Ecology: nektonic omnivore
• Quaternary of the Marshall Islands (2 collections)
• Eocene of Italy (1), United States (1: California)
Total: 4 collections including 5 occurrences