Subfamily Linyphiinae Blackwall 1859 (money spider/sheet weaver)
Arachnida - Araneae - Linyphiidae
Parent taxon: Linyphiidae according to D. Penney and P. Selden 2002
Sister taxa: Agynetiphantes, Ceratinopsis, Cnephalocotes, Custodela, Custodelela, Eolabulla, Eophantes, Erigone, Floricomus, Gonatium, Hypselistes, Linyphia, Madagascarphantes, Malepellis, Meioneta, Micryphantes, Mystagogus, Palaeophantes, Paralabulla, Pocadicnemis, Savignia, Selenyphantes, Succineta, Succiphantes, Toschia
Subtaxa: none
Distribution: there are no occurrences of Linyphiinae in the database