Arachnida - Araneae - Linyphiidae
Full reference: J. Wunderlich. 2023. Contribution to the fossil spider (Araneida) fauna in Eocene Baltic and Rovno amber. Beiträge zur Araneologie 16:113-161
Parent taxon: Linyphiidae according to J. Wunderlich 2023
Sister taxa: Agynetiphantes, Ceratinopsis, Cnephalocotes, Custodela, Custodelela, Eolabulla, Eophantes, Erigone, Floricomus, Gonatium, Hypselistes, Linyphia, Linyphiinae, Madagascarphantes, Malepellis, Meioneta, Micryphantes, Mystagogus, Paralabulla, Pocadicnemis, Savignia, Selenyphantes, Succineta, Succiphantes, Toschia
Subtaxa: Palaeophantes paracymbium
Type: Palaeophantes paracymbium
Distribution: found only at Baltic amber (Wunderlich collection) (Eocene of Russian Federation)
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