Pterodon nyanzae Savage 1965 (creodont)

Mammalia - Creodonta - Hyainailouridae

Full reference: R. J. G. Savage. 1965. Fossil Mammals of Africa: 19 The Miocene Carnivora of East Africa. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Geology 10(8):241-316

Belongs to Pterodon according to R. J. G. Savage 1965

Sister taxa: Pterodon africanus, Pterodon dasyuroides, Pterodon hyaenoides, Pterodon leptognathus, Pterodon magnus, Pterodon phiomensis, Pterodon syrtos

Type specimen: BMNH M. 19091, a tooth (right P4/). Its type locality is Ombo, which is in a Miocene terrestrial horizon in Kenya.

Ecology: scansorial insectivore


• Miocene of Kenya (2 collections)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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