Strophomenata - Strophomenida - Strophomenidae
Alternative spelling: Strophomena (Tetraphalerella)
Parent taxon: Strophomeninae according to M. Liljeroth et al. 2017
See also Howe 1988, Sepkoski 2002 and Williams et al. 2000
Sister taxa: Actinomena, Drummuckina, Esilia, Gunnarella, Holtedahlina, Infurca, Leigerina, Longvillia, Ochyromena, Pseudostrophomena, Rhipidomena, Rugomena, Saxbyonia, Semnanostrophia, Strophomena
Subtaxa: Strophomena (Tetraphalerella) cooperi Strophomena (Tetraphalerella) namasensis Tetraphalerella bestiubensis Tetraphalerella churchillensis Tetraphalerella costellata Tetraphalerella hecuba Tetraphalerella musculosa Tetraphalerella neglecta Tetraphalerella planobesa Tetraphalerella planodorsata
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Chazyan of Canada (1: Northwest Territories collection)
• Ordovician of Canada (55: Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Ontario, Quebec, Québec), China (1), Ireland (1), Kazakhstan (2), United States (45: Alaska, Illinois, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas)
Total: 105 collections including 110 occurrences
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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