Tetraphalerella planodorsata Winchell and Schuchert 1892 (lamp shell)

Strophomenata - Strophomenida - Strophomenidae

Alternative combination: Strophomena planodorsata

Belongs to Tetraphalerella according to J. Jin et al. 1997

Sister taxa: Strophomena (Tetraphalerella) cooperi, Strophomena (Tetraphalerella) namasensis, Tetraphalerella bestiubensis, Tetraphalerella churchillensis, Tetraphalerella costellata, Tetraphalerella hecuba, Tetraphalerella musculosa, Tetraphalerella neglecta, Tetraphalerella planobesa

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Ordovician of Canada (1: Manitoba collection), United States (6: Illinois, Iowa, Iowa, Minnesota, Tennessee)

Total: 7 collections each including a single occurrence

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