Selaginellites Zeiller 1906


Parent taxon: Lycopodophyta according to S. Chandra and R. Tewari 1991

See also Andrews 1970 and Lakhanpal et al. 1976

Sister taxa: Amphidoxodendron, Angarodendron, Aphyllum, Archaeosigillariopsis, Asteroxylon, Astralocaulis, Baragwanathia, Berwynia, Blasaria, Blosenbergia, Caenodendron, Calamoxylon, Cantheliophorus, Caragandites, Colpodexylon, Cyclocladia, Cyclodendron, Cylostrobus, Cyperites, Demetria, Didymophyllon, Distrigophyllum, Dzhungarodendron, Eligodendron, Eolepidophloios, Eusarcophyllum, Flemingites, Halonia, Haplostigma, Illiniocarpon, Krejciella, Leiodermaria, Lepeocaulus, Lepidobothrodendron, Lepidocarpon, Lepidocarpopsis, Lepidocladus, Lepidolepis, Lepidophyllostrobus, Lepidostrobopsis, Leptophloeum, Levicaulis, Lomatofloyos, Lophiodendron, Lophoderma, Lycopodiolithes, Lycopodiophloios, Lycopodiopsis, Lycostachys, Lycostrobus, Lyginodendron, Maroesia, Mesostrobus, Miadesmia, Micheevia, Nothia, Omphalophloios, Oncodendron, Oxroadia, Pachyphloeus, Paikhoia, Paurodendron, Phialophloios, Pholidophloios, Phytokneme, Porostrobus, Prolepidodendron, Protasolanus, Protoosmundites, Protostigma, Pseudosigillaria, Ptilophyton, Rhytidophloyos, Rhyzodendron, Rimnocladon, Sajakia, Scutellocladus, Selaginites, Semapteris, Spencerites, Sublepidophloios, Tastaephyton, Thursophyton, Tomiodendron, Triplosporites, Ularia, Ulodendron, Ulostrobus, Valmeyerodendron, Viatcheslavia

Subtaxa: Selaginellites gracilis Selaginellites leonardii Selaginellites suissei

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Type: Selaginellites suissei


• Cretaceous of Greenland (3 collections), India (1), United States (1: Montana)

• Jurassic of China (3), Georgia (1), India (6), Kazakhstan (1), Romania (1), the Russian Federation (5), Tajikistan (1), Turkmenistan (1), Uzbekistan (2)

• Triassic of China (6), Greenland (2), Italy (1), Sweden (1)

• Permian of China (1), India (1)

• Carboniferous of the United Kingdom (1)

• Devonian of Belarus (1)

Total: 40 collections including 50 occurrences

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