Neomonachus schauinslandi Hermann 1779 (Hawaiian monk seal)
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Mammalia - Carnivora - Phocidae
Alternative combinations: Monachus (Monachus) schauinslandi, Monachus schauinslandi, Phoca schauinslandi
Belongs to Neomonachus according to D.-M. Scheel et al. 2014
See also Berta et al. 2018, Cullen et al. 2014, Davis et al. 2004, Deméré et al. 2003, Friant 1947, Hendey 1972, Kienle and Berta 2019, Koretsky 2001, Riedman 1990 and Scheffer and Rice 1963
Sister taxon: Neomonachus tropicalis
Ecology: amphibious piscivore-carnivore
• Quaternary of United States (5: Hawaii collections)
Total: 5 collections each including a single occurrence
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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