Neomonachus Scheel et al. 2014 (Hawaiian monk seal)

Mammalia - Carnivora - Phocidae

Attributed to Slater & Helgen

Full reference: D.-M. Scheel, G. J. Slater, S.-O. Kolokotronis, C. W. Potter, D. S. Rotstein, K. Tsangaras, A. D. Greenwood and K. M. Helgen. 2014. Biogeography and taxonomy of extinct and endangered monk seals illuminated by ancient DNA and skull morphology. ZooKeys (409)1-33

Parent taxon: Monachinae according to D.-M. Scheel et al. 2014

See also Berta et al. 2018 and Kienle and Berta 2019

Sister taxa: Acrophoca, Afrophoca, Australophoca, Hadrokirus, Homiphoca, Hydrurga, Leptonychotes, Lobodon, Lobodontini, Magnotherium, Mirounga, Miroungini, Monachini, Monachus, Monotherium, Noriphoca, Ommatophoca, Piscophoca, Pliophoca, Pontophoca, Sarcodectes

Subtaxa: Neomonachus schauinslandi Neomonachus tropicalis

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Ecology: amphibious piscivore-carnivore


• Quaternary of the Bahamas (11 collections), Belize (2), Colombia (2), Costa Rica (1), Cuba (5), the Dominican Republic (1), Guadeloupe (1), Honduras (9), Jamaica (5), Mexico (11), the Netherlands Antilles (7), Nicaragua (2), Saint Kitts and Nevis (2), Turks and Caicos Islands (1), United States (35: Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Texas, Virgin Islands), Venezuela (2), Virgin Islands (1)

Total: 98 collections including 99 occurrences

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