Vipera (Vipera) Laurenti 1768 (pit viper)

Reptilia - Squamata - Crotalidae

Full reference: J. N. Laurenti. 1768. Specimen medicum, exhibens synopsin reptilium emendatam cum experimentis circa venena et antidota reptilium austriacorum [Medical ideas, showing an emended synopsis of the reptiles together with experiences in poisoning by and antidotes of Austrian reptiles]. Published and printed by Johann Thomas von Trattner, Vienna

Parent taxon: Vipera according to Z. Szyndlar and G. A. Zerova 1992

Sister taxa: Coluber kargii, Vipera (Daboia), Vipera (Macrovipera), Vipera (Pelias), Vipera antiqua, Vipera burgenlandica, Vipera latastei, Vipera maghrebiana, Vipera maxima, Vipera natiensis, Vipera platyspondyla, Vipera sansaniensis

Subtaxa: Vipera (Vipera) ammodytes Vipera (Vipera) aspis Vipera (Vipera) meotica

View classification

Type: Coluber aspis



• Quaternary of France (1 collection), Greece (1), Spain (4)

• Pliocene of Hungary (2), Italy (1), Moldova (1), Poland (3), the Russian Federation (1)

• MN 13 of Ukraine (1)

• Miocene of Ukraine (2)

Total: 17 collections each including a single occurrence

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