Parent taxon: Articulata according to D. F. Wright et al. 2017
See also Ausich 1998, Donovan et al. 1993, Hess and Messing 2011, Kozur and Mostler 1992, Rasmussen 1961 and Sepkoski 2002
Sister taxa: Bihaticrinus, Comatulida, Corythocrinus, Cratecrinus, Cyclocrinidae, Cyrtocrinida, Encrinida, Holocrinida, Hyocrinida, Isocrinida, Lanternocrinidae, Leocrinidae, Millericrinida, Qingyanocrinidae, Taurocrinus, Tulipacrinidae, Uintacrinida
Subtaxa: Axicrinidae Roveacrinidae Saccocomidae Somphocrinidae
Ecology: facultatively mobile low-level epifaunal suspension feeder
• Miocene of Poland (1 collection)
• Cretaceous to Paleogene of the Netherlands (1)
• Cretaceous of Belgium (8), Bulgaria (1), Croatia (1), the Czech Republic (4), France (16), Germany (3), Jamaica (1), Madagascar (1), the Netherlands (5), Spain (1), Tunisia (4), the United Kingdom (13), United States (1: Texas)
• Jurassic of Algeria (9), Austria (3), Bulgaria (4), Cuba (1), the Czech Republic (1), France (3), Germany (27), Poland (3), Slovakia (1), Ukraine (1)
• Triassic of Austria (2), China (2), Hungary (3), India (1), Iran (1), Italy (35), Mexico (1), Norway (1), Poland (1), Slovakia (1)
Total: 162 collections including 276 occurrences