Parent taxon: Cyanobacteria according to D. E. G. Briggs et al. 1994
See also Andrews 1970 and Conway Morris and Robison 1988
Sister taxa: Abruptophycus, Acaciella, Agamus, Aldania, Alternella, Alternia, Angarophycus, Antiquophytolithus, Archaeothrix, Arenarina, Artophycus, Aulophycus, Basisphaera, Beltanelliformis, Bevocastria, Borlogella, Brachypleganon, Bursiphycas, Calevia, Calothricites, Calyptophycus, Camasia, Catinella, Chabakoviacea, Chomentovskia, Chomustachia, Cirriphycus, Cladogirvanella, Coccogoneae, Columnaria, Crustophycus, Cyanostroma, Cycularia, Cystostroma, Eoaphanothece, Eoepiphyton, Eophormidium, Eucaspsiphora, Fibrostroma, Filiphycus, Fillostroma, Flexia, Galinia, Georgiana, Glomeophycus, Gouldina, Grenularia, Gruneria, Hecetaphyton, Hormogoneae, Hormosporites, Katernia, Kostinophycus, Lamellophycus, Lamellostroma, Leptophycus, Lermontovaephycus, Lopatinella, Madiganites, Maldeotaina, Manacyathus, Mansurkella, Microcystopsis, Morania, Mussooriella, Myxococcoides, Nerusiandella, Oncobyrsella, Palaeomicrocystis, Paleocalothrix, Paleoisocystis, Papulophycus, Perennaria, Phanerosphaerops, Pilbaria, Platella, Plexostroma, Polybessurus, Protoepiphyton, Ramulostroma, Ramulus, Rhyniella, Scandophycus, Schizothropsis, Shanganella, Sphaerina, Sphaerothallus, Stigonematales, Subtifloria, Talakania, Tarioufetia, Telastroma, Trichostroma, Tubercularia, Tumidophyton, Tunikata, Tuxekanella, Uluksanella, Vesicularia, Vittophyton, Myxophyceae, Antiquus, Sphaerocodium, Somphospongia, Porostromata, Millaria, Callosicoccus, Lithocodium, Cyanophyceae, Rothpletzella, Sigmopollis, Oscillatoriacea, Cladophorites, Desmekalamos, Setula
Subtaxa: Marpolia filosa Marpolia spissa
Type: Marpolia spissa
Ecology: stationary "photoautotroph"
• Cambrian of Canada (2: British Columbia collections), United States (4: Pennsylvania, Utah)
• Delamaran of Canada (10: British Columbia), United States (1: Utah)
Total: 17 collections each including a single occurrence
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