Echinoidea - Spatangoida - Spatangidae
Parent taxon: Spatangidae according to W. S. W. Kew 1920
See also Grant and Hertlein 1938 and Sepkoski 2002
Sister taxa: Atelospatangus, Gonimaretia, Isomicraster, Laevipatagus, Maretia, Paramaretia, Sarsella, Semipetalion, Spatangus
Subtaxa: Epiaster brevipetalus Epiaster catumbellensis Epiaster depressus Epiaster distinctus Epiaster michelini Epiaster whitei
Ecology: slow-moving shallow infaunal deposit feeder-detritivore
• Cretaceous of Algeria (2 collections), Angola (11), France (7), Gabon (1), Germany (1), Madagascar (3), Mexico (1), Morocco (1), Portugal (1), Spain (6), Switzerland (3), the United Arab Emirates (1), the United Kingdom (1), United States (1: Texas)
Total: 40 collections including 44 occurrences
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