†Allaeochelys parayrei Noulet 1867 (turtle)
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Reptilia - Testudines - Carettochelyidae
Synonyms: Allaeochelys nouleti Bergounioux 1931, Castresia munieri De Stefano 1902
Belongs to Allaeochelys according to W. G. Joyce 2014
See also Karl 2013 and Karl et al. 2006
Sister taxa: Allaeochelys crassesculpta, Allaeochelys delheidi, Allaeochelys libyca, Allaeochelys lingnanica, Allaeochelys magnifica, Allaeochelys rouzilhacensis
Type specimens:
- Allaeochelys parayrei: MHNT specimen, a partial shell (carapace and partial plastron). Its type locality is Castrais, which is in a Bartonian terrestrial horizon in France.
- Allaeochelys nouleti: lost, a carapace (A carapace missing most peripherals and the pygal, formerly housed at the Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse, Toulouse, France). Its type locality is La Badayre, which is in a Bartonian terrestrial horizon in the Castrais Formation of France.
- Castresia munieri: lost, a carapace. Its type locality is Castrais, which is in a Bartonian terrestrial horizon in France.
Ecology: aquatic herbivore-omnivore
• Miocene of Germany (3 collections)
• Eocene of France (2)
Total: 5 collections including 6 occurrences
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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